yay im putting up weekly updates now, gotta spend less time on the computer and more time in school!
Speaking of school, i didnt go to school on wednesday. surprise? haha i knew that i was bound to skip one sometime or another this week, still in the holiday mood. Attended one 35 minute math lecture, one hour and ten min econs lecture and 5 tutorials this whole week! Amazing im so en-route to my A's in the A levels, not.
thinking about H3 econs.. i did quite badly this time for the H2 so maybe im not as good as i thought i am. Oh well why am i even bothering? its term 2 which means...
yes the auditions were 2 days ago. Had fun in both Band 3 (polarix+darren-brian) and Band 4 (polarix+darren+pris-brian) haha!
so obviously we picked Band 4 to go in. Highway star was fucking fucking kickass man priscilla did a REALLY KICKASS JOB :D:D. and darren too though his guitar was rly fucked up. STUPID PA KREW. next round he'll get his solo :D haha. aby aditya and me were usual i guess.. having fun cause to me thats really all there is to playing in school. so what if we win musicfest? does that mean that im musically better than everyone else in vjc? does that mean that my band is the BEST THERE EVER WILL BE IN VJ?! hell no! it just means that the audience liked us best. cause we know how to put up a show. so im glad that pris and darren got that on friday inspite of all the technical difficulties and inspite of what some really smart-asses (or at least they think they are) had to say, we still kicked ass!! so we will stick with the choir singer and i wont mind a guitar ensemb guitarist in Band 4 as well :D. some people just dont get it.
off to play with my ableton live lite 6 and m audio firewire solo :D