As much as certain individuals in SC hated our choice of music ( cause all they listen to is top 40), as much as certain teachers think we're messy (when they spell BASS as .. wait for it.. basE), we defied all odds and kicked everyone's ass to make it to the finals. So please support us! All you fellow metalhead victorians, friends, fellow geek-heads etc etc. It is time for a change! For good music to finally be played in musicfest! Congrats to Zy's band who made it through as well. Though we're kinda different i hope we all play great music for the finals. \m/ rock on bitches.
School has been pretty fun, considering the hype surrounding musicfest recently. Other that it, ive been having trouble finding some other source of entertainment, activity other than hanging out with the usual crazy dudes during breaks and math lectures hehehe.
Good luck to my mates still playing table tennis, chester and jonathan. win win win!!!11oneone!!