Wednesday, February 07, 2007


I guess when you'er sick you spend less time doing useless stuff (PLAYING GAMES) and more time on studying useless stuff. So i spent like an hour on SS when all i really needed was 10 minutes as there was no need to remember any frickin facts.

So first time im blogging for 2 days in succession for quite a while. Went to TAMPINES MALL (a.k.a heartlander-best-place-to-spot-couples mall) with PYX and Chester after playing table tennis. ____ my backhand really sucks. PYX bought his shirts and shoe bag, saw ALOT of people \m/ guess my info not really up to date.

So came home and chionged SS. Didnt practise maths at all today. there is a 50 % chance that the "surprise" maths test will be tomorrow. However, students (a.k.a slaves) of 4G have a peculiar advantage. ALL OUR MATHS PERIODS ARE AFTER RECESS (I THINK). This means that we can check with other classes if there is a test. This means that we can chiong during recess which means A1 DICK! HELL YEA all my answers are so structured now because of the frickin geog and ss tests. Its all about structure man.

Didnt play guitar at all today though i wished i did. Instead i found interest in something else again. Hope that friday we will win/own/squash-them-like-pancake whatever. I hope i get to play but i always fear that i frickin lose. Oh the fricking irony, SO HARD \m/



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