Friday, January 19, 2007


Its been an eventful week..

For one i owned in the circular measure test \m/ 19/20 guess what i got penalised for? No 4 Sig fig. in working __

One total high point of the week was the fact that i got into team (for now)! Got the 2 jerseys.. better material then last years i guess enjoyed that very much. Going to work hard for one last shot at table tennis then we'll see what happens.

Another high point which made me so frickin estatic (did i spell that shit correctly?) is the standard of AHS's tests. To sum it up, i kinda wasted so much time on the SS and math test. Studied my ass off for the maths since sunday and come out 3 questions all from holiday homeowork. SS studied till 11.30pm yesterday come out like primary school standard. OH WELL I GUESS THATS WHY ITS CALLED A CONTENT TEST! I personally wasnt too happy about it cause i really felt i put in so much effort then its so frickin wasted. OH WELL I DONT SUFFER RIGHT.

Got kicked out of the class for undisclosed reasons by N.S.S (who else). If you'er smart enough you might be able to figure out the acronyms. (did i spell that correctly again?). not going to comment cause i got nothing to say. Just before you fags start thinking im going to say i wasnt right.

So weekend, tough week ahead. Chinese test, chemistry test, english test. Luckily chinese test dont need to prepare but got TING XIE OMGWTFBBQ! Thus as usual mum didnt allow me to go church yesterday and i would spend about 4 hours tomorrow finishing up on homework (physics ws, chinese ting xie, SS, bio) If i cant ill just have to do it after the movie to celebrate weijie's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DOOD \m/ ROCK ON.

Sunday ill be a nerd and leave it alll for chemistry. WHICH REMINDS ME I HAVENT GOT THE FRICKIN NOTES YET OMGDIELIAOGGNORM. Oh well ill just see what i can do from the TYS. Revised it in school today :)

Tough weekend coming up, at least im going to catch a movie with the buds

\ / love and peace to all! HAHA


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